Oshkosh Day Three
By Cheryl Smit and Willie Bodenstein

Oshkosh is so much more than just aircraft flying although almost everything else is in some way aviation related.

The Flymarket for instance is the place where one can buy anything from an uncompleted project to the tiniest rivet to complete it

Workshops, seminars and forum are scheduled every day starting at 07.30 and running until 19.30. Every conceivable aviation related subject is covered

The Airplane factory exhibit is always packed and its new Sling 4 with turbo kit especially drew the crowds

Stemme, represented in SA by Peter Howe, had all its newest innovative motor gliders and display

This Nemesis NXT is a real beast. Powered by a 400 hp twin inter cooled Lycoming TIO-540-EXP it has a top speed of 400+ mph and range of 1,300 miles

We were all caught by surprise this afternoon when the Blue Angels formation aerobatic team flew over for two fly pasts from Appleton airport of the after the show was opened by the playing of the Star Spangled Banner

The daily afternoon airshow was then officially open formation aerobatic team did a mass skydiving jump consisting of 65 local skydivers

The Red Bull Air Forces' Edge 540, MBB Bo 105 helicopter and wingsuit flyers was the next on the program

Woman aerobatic pilots dominated and their performances were done to perfection

Mass fly pasts were again a big feature

The usual afternoon military enactment lacked the flair of previous years with no bombers present

A F-16 did a number of spirited fly pasts

Afterwards the heritage flight, this year consisting of the F-16, a Skyraider and Mustang close the afternoon proceedings
The evenings show was cancelled because of rain.
