Oshkosh 2018 Day Seven
By Cheryl Smit and Willie Bodenstein

We were woken this morning by the sound of two F-16s taking off as another Oshkosh came to end.

There is so much to see and so much to report on that our daily reports do not really do justice to how spectacular Oshkosh really is so today besides our daily airshow report we will bring you a pictorial overview of 2018.

The Sunday afternoon show, normally a laid back affair because most people are packing to leave, turned out to be the second best show of the week.

Neil and Caroline definitely had a hard task catering and looking after 237 people this year. Early arrivals all contributed to establishing the camp to be ready for the mass arrivals.

The South African flag flying over Camp "Plakkersfontein"

The medical centre is only a block away from the camp with the ablutions just over the road

The Red 1 Barn that stocks most essential items is two blocks away with the main gate just across the road from camp

After an exhausting day a typical evening in the camp when all relax eat and talk aeroplanes

This Hunting Percival Pembroke project was for sale in the Fly Market waiting for an enthusiast with time and money to spare

The Adapt engine installed in a Velocity

The Whisper X

The Aircraft Factory Sling4
More and more South African manufacturers are exhibiting at Oshkosh. MGL has been a regular for years and so has been Rainbow Skyreach.
It has been seven years since my last visit to Oshkosh and the improvement and the number of attendees is so very evident. It has been a wonderful experience for both Willie and I to have been part of this awesome adventure. In our opinion the only way to experience Oshkosh is with Niel Bowden's AirAdventure tours and I urge all aviators to put this trip on your bucket list as you will not be disappointed.