Oshkosh 2019 - Walk about - a pictorial Review
By Willie Bodenstein

AirVenture at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin is the annual convention of the EAA of the USA. Most of the grounds, 192 ha in fact, belongs to the EAA. This year more than 642,000 visitors went through the gates while 40,000 camped on the 12,300 sites provided or under the wings of their aircraft.

The tower at Osh is as to be expected the nerve center of the whole operation. Staffed by the cream of the crop of air traffic controllers, they handled the more than 10,000 aircraft that visited this year, 16, 807 operational sorties and 127 take-off and landings per hour over eleven days without any major incident.

Leaving the camp site for the 'city center' one will come across 863 companies exhibiting their products or services. At the forums 1,500 work shops attended by 75,000 people are one of the reasons why people attend.

This year, AirVenture contributed $170 Million USD to the economy of the Oshkosh region. Not bad for an organization that 50 years ago was formed by a visionary and his wife in his garage.
Next week we will bring you more from our walkabouts at AirVenture.