Oshkosh 2019 - Airside action - a pictorial Review - Part 2
By Willie Bodenstein

One also meets the most interesting people while sitting and relaxing and watching the aircraft movements. I have met a large number of the American Press contingent as well as some from abroad, an AP who does emergency repairs at Osh and an eighty-year-old veteran who had fought in three wars.

I once shared space with two ex-South Africans, both of whom having immigrated some twenty years ago. They are now are now US Citizens and flew to Osh for the first time one in a real scruffy rented 172 and one in an immaculate RV7A.

Being at airside is also the nicest way to witness the mass arrivals of Bonnies and other makes as well as the military hardware that will form part of the afternoon's display, or will simply be parked at the warbird section which we will feature later.

Next week we will take you to the seaplane base, a quick $3 bus ride from the hustle and bustle of Wittmann Airport.