Oshkosh 2019 - Warbirds - A Pictorial Review - Part 1

Warbirds at Oshkosh are without a doubt the place that every visitor to the EAA's Convention will visit at least once during the seven days. I know I did when I first visited in 2009, not just once, but four times and have been doing the same during subsequent visits.

At the center of the Warbirds area is Warbird Alley, a large display area that profiles several of the rare and unique warbirds from World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam War.

History through legendary wartime aircraft and pride of the heroic veterans who flew them comes alive every day at the popular Warbirds in Review, held Monday through Saturday at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Warbird Alley.
Hosted by the EAA Warbirds of America, these informal sessions not only delve into an aircraft's restoration, operation and other aspects of owning a valued piece of history, but also spotlights veterans sharing stories about what it was like to fly the aircraft whether in combat, or support of the operation as a ground crew member.

The EAA offers flips in two iconic warbirds, the Bell 47 that departs from Pioneer Field and the B-17 Aluminum Overcast. This year 3,173 people flew aboard the Bell 47 helicopters and 669 flew aboard EAA's B-17.
Next week we will continue our Warbird Tour.