Oshkosh Day Six - Flying, Ultralights and more

There are various options for those who wish to fly at Oshkosh. The cheapest is the Bell 47 Helicopter flight that takes off at Pioneer Field adjacent to the Museum. The flight lasts all of 5 minutes and cost US$49. It might sound expensive but it is not really considering that the 47 is a historical relic which was extensively used during the Korean War and was made famous in the TV series “MASH”

Take off with the Museum in the background.

A portion of the Warbirds section. Note the 26 aircraft on the taxi way, waiting to take off.
The second least expensive option is in the iconic Ford Trimotor, the world's first true airliner. The Ford was made between 1926 and 1937 and two were used for flips at Oshkosh. The flight cost is US$ 75 and last 20 minutes and takes you over the surrounding countryside and the shores of Lake Winnebago.

The Trimotor

Oshkosh, control tower in the left and acres and acres of RV'S, not the aircraft but camper vans, though there are hundreds of Vans home build aircraft as well.

More Warbirds.
Other flight options are the Boeing B17 which departs from Appleton and cost about US$ 345 for 20 minutes as well as the B29 which starts at US$ 425.
Oshkosh is one huge teaming temporary city that caters for aviators and like-minded people and all major manufacturer exhibit at what is the largest “Airshow-Fly in” in the world.

The Maverick Flying car, kept aloft by a parachute.

A Cessna on floats.

The Skycraft Ultralight, available as a factory build only.

The Terrufugia roadable aircraft, drive it form home to the airport and fly to your destination
The afternoon show was awesome as usual and the weather was absolutely perfect.

The Wing Walkers are always crowd favourites. Strange enough all are females.

Ex Rand Airport resident, the Catalina restored by Springbok Classic Air now resides in the USA and was one of the stars at AirVenture 2013.

No afternoon would be complete without aerobatic displays and Wednesday did not disappoint.
Most people want to see the warbirds and a rare visitor was the Grumman Tiger Cat that belongs to Jim Slattery, the owner of the Catalina and some 40 other aircraft.

AirVenture howeve are about experimental aircraft that includes home builds and on Wednesday a mass formation by eleven RV owners and pilots in their RV aircraft had the more than 50,000 people in awe.

AirVenture caters for all and the Ultralight's are not forgotten. Situated to the south end is a section dedicated to more affordable flying.

Tomorrow is the Parade of Nations when all visitors from countries from all over the globe gather and parade to the flight line. South Africa is currently in 3rd place behind the Canadians who don't really count as they are just a couple of hours drive away. Australia is in second place.