Oshkosh Day Seven - The Parade of Nations, Warbirds and more
By Willie Bodenstein

Friday done and dusted and one more day to go. The finale at Oshkosh is the day when all the stops are pulled and after today's action it promises to be something really spectacular.
The camp was abuzz with activity from early on as everyone prepared for the group photo and Parade of Nations.

Friday also happened to be the birthday of two lady campers. (Oshkosh is not just for men!)

Friday is traditionally the day when the parade of nations are held and as on the Rugby field the competition between us and the Australians are fierce and this year they again pipped us to the post and beat us into third place as the nation with the most number of visitors. The Canadians, as usual, were in first place.

The afternoons displays featured a variety of displays which included the Aeroshell sponsored T6 Texans……………

And a number of other action filled displays.

The highlight on the non Warbird display side surely was the RV4's all flown by the owners who all are part timers on the display circuit. They were absolutely wonderful, their display consisting of eight aircraft were expertly choreographed and flown to perfection.

The afternoon Warbird display was awesome. The sky again was filled with aircraft and the main feature was a simulation of the attack on Pearl Harbour.

Where after tribute was paid to the USA War Veterans.

Aircraft used represented all branches of USA forces.

All of the above aircraft are in private hands or from privately owned museums.
Saturday will be our last report from report Oshkosh and it promised to be filled with action.