Oshkosh Day Eight Update-The Final Displays
By Willie Bodenstein

Time flies when you are having fun and it seems like only yesterday that we have arrived. Oshkosh did not disappoint. The weather was brilliant, except for three days and then only if you are a photographer. The fact that the USAF did not support made no difference, they have over the last couple of years scaled down their presence and there were more than enough vintage Warbirds present.

Some visitors started to leave.

Saturday is the day of the big bangs and a second re-enactment of the attack on Pearl Harbour was filled with action, noise, smoke and aircraft.

Tens of thousands flocked to the evening show and fireworks display that also featured a fire belching truck powered by no less than three jet engines.

The 100 meter long wall of fire signalled the close of AirVenture 2013 and on Monday the planning for 2014 starts.
