By Willie Bodenstein
From the moment we landed in CDC's Quest Kodiak it was clear that the Secunda Flying Club had pulled out all the stops and the show promised to be one of the best. The program was packed with all the usual acts, grandstands were erected for the paying public and although the wind pumped, the weather was prefect.
We were shown to our parking spot on a concrete apron and the Kodiak immediately drew a regular stream of visitors.

As is customary the show was opened a parachute drop from AirTeam's PAC Xstol piloted by Chris Briers with son Darius in the right seat.

Next up was airshow regulars the Gabriel sponsored Pitts Specials who braved the windy conditions and still managed a display of precision formation flying.

Johnny Smith in his Radio Pulpit sponsored Sbach was next and he again showed why he is rated as one of the country's best aerobatic pilots.

Chris Briers in the Xstol again took the sky showing the 750's amazing STOL capabilities. I remember being at a previous show when a member of the public standing next to me said: “He needed less runway than my Robinson R44 does.”

Charles Urban arrived in the L39 and after a short display treated the swelling crowd to a touch and go.

The arrival of Menno Parsons in Mustang Sally had the spectators on their feet. Menno was scheduled to do his show later.

CC Pocock, Bushpilot Supreme and the author of numerous books on Bush Flying was next in his Cessna 172. CC, who present courses in Bush Flying show in the little Cessna always amazes.

Next on the program was ex World Advanced Aerobatic Champion and Red Bull Air Races participant Glen Dell in his Red Bull sponsored Extra. Sadly, something went horribly wrong during his display and Glen crashed in full sight of all at the show and the rest of the day's program was cancelled.

Secunda had all the potential to be a wonderful show however; sadly it will be remembered as the show where Glen Dell lost his life.