Pilot's Post - Online Aviation in South Africa

South African National Gliding Teams Training Week 2024

2023 South African Nationals Open - Sports Classes

Jonker Sailplanes JS 5 REY Maiden Flight Potchefstroom Airfield

SA National Gliding Championships 2023

The 12th FAI Women's World Gliding Championship 2023

South African National Gliding Teams Training Week 2024

2023 South African Nationals Open - Sports Classes

Jonker Sailplanes JS 5 REY Maiden Flight Potchefstroom Airfield

SA National Gliding Championships 2023

The 12th FAI Women's World Gliding Championship 2023

SA 15 metre, club and 2-seater Nationals, Potchefstrooom 2022

WGC 2022 37th FAI World Gliding Championships

2022 Gauteng Regional Gliding Championships

2021 SSSA South African Nationals Welkom

The SSSA 15m, 2-Seater and Club Class South African Nationals

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